• About ME

    . We focus on providing excellent customer service and appreciate your candid feedback.

    Personal Bio I am a child psychologist by education. After I got married I migrated to the U.S. and became a part of the family business which was a home decor company. I was part of the business for 38 years. Our company was awarded as the second largest in the U.S. My hobbies and interests include painting, cooking.


    Personal Bio I am involved in the fashion industry and I represent Indian culture. My company is the Indias #1 custom designer company is the U.S. and parts of Asia. Company Bio: Bubbles is a small California company with a simple goal: to make the most comfortable, affordable, and beautiful tunics. We focus on providing excellent customer service and appreciate your candid feedback.

  • reach out

    I'm available for Pro Bono work in D.C. and Philadelphia area.  

  • The Blog

    Thoughts, musings, and ruminations.

    Deepa Anand relies on culture and meaningful connections to stay centered as the Indian tunic...
    Deepa’s ties to her Indian heritage fuels the growth of her custom tunic design business. For...